
TEMPERATURE SENSOR TER-616/A – SILO TEMPERATURE SENSOR EXPLOSION-PROOF MODEL DESCRIPTION To be installed inside the silo higher room, where air is clean. It signals an overeating state caused by an ongoing fire or by a smoldering fire. Its NO normally open contact will close when the temperature reaches 88°C (190°F), and it will return back…


TEMPERATURE SENSOR TER-616/TX – TEMPERATURE SENSOR DESCRIPTION also used for ATEX classified areas (all zones) Normally used for temperature control inside the silo or filter installed inside the higher room where air is clean. It is complete of a sleeve which avoids the sensor to be directly in contact with the potentially explosive atmosphere. The…


TEMPERATURE SENSOR TER-616/T – SILO TEMPERATURE SENSOR – WATERTIGHT IP65 DESCRIPTION To be installed inside the silo higher room, where air is clean. It signals an overheating state caused by an ongoing or a smoldering fire. Its NO normally open contact will close when the temperature reaches 88°C (190°F), and it will return back to…